Ninja Anatomy-
Project Concept and Risk
This project is not only about selling a product. We would like you to think of your skeleton as a tool, in the same way that a musician uses and maintains his instrument.
Conventional skeletal models have been produced for the medical market where mobility of the model is not an issue. Therefore, for body workers, dancers or anyone dealing with movement a new tool is required. With this skeleton we want to show how as the spine flexes, the shoulder blades widen on the rib cage, how the spine responds to the arm lifting and how the ribcage moves in breathing.
Ninja Anatomy is the creation of a suitable model for bodyworkers, produced in Japan,
As we continue to improve this model through trial and error, we would like to receive your feedback. As you experiment with your skeleton please communicate your experience to us, with respect to usability and durability. With your help in giving your honest opinion we can make a truly useful model.
Please note this potential risk. Although the skeleton is not mass produced currently, it may go in to mass production at some time in the future. If this is the case the price may fall. In order to off set this risk we offer these benefits;
Benefit 1
If you buy the original model you will be entitled to free updates once on the design… just as you would with a computer operating system. Shipping costs will apply.
Benefit 2
Due to the flexible nature of our product we expect some wear and tear. We offer you a first aid kit for your new friend, and within the scope of reason, free repair or replacement for 1 year. Shipping costs will apply.
Benefit 3
We will care for these early models preferentially…